The financial calculators add a new channel to the Omnium advisory suite. They enable calculations in the areas of affordability, pension provision, pension and pillar 3a and fit seamlessly into the layout of the Omnium module world.
In addition, the financial calculators are supplemented by the presentation of various optimization options.

Calculate the affordability of real estate financing with just a few clicks. The affordability and loan-to-value ratio are calculated based on the purchase price, own funds and gross income. The calculator also provides answers to the following questions:
- How high can the maximum purchase price be?
- How much equity do I need?
- How high must my gross income be?

Carry out a simple pension check for the risks of disability, death and old age. The pension income is compared with the assumed pension requirement. The difference is shown as the pension gap or the pension surplus.
After a quick entry with approximate values for the calculation of AHV and BVG pensions (based on AHV scale 44 and BVG minimum), the result can be refined in a further step by entering detailed data.

This calculator enables you to carry out a simple pension check. It compares your pension income with the cost of living in old age. If this results in a gap, the capital required on retirement is calculated in order to close this gap. The required capital is compared with the available assets at retirement (free assets and pension assets). This is used to calculate the capital requirement at retirement.
After a quick entry with approximate values for the calculation of AHV and BVG pensions (based on AHV scale 44 and BVG minimum), the result can be refined in a further step by entering detailed data. The retirement age (early retirement) and the lump-sum withdrawal from the pension fund (pension vs. lump sum) can be flexibly adjusted for the simulation.

Pillar 3a:
Calculate your tax savings quickly and easily by paying into pillar 3a. If the pillar 3a amount has not yet been exhausted, the calculator will show the additional potential tax savings.